The official X (formerly Twitter) account for the acclaimed anime series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End has recently shared exciting news regarding the future of...
Bungie, the developers behind the popular online multiplayer game Destiny 2, have unveiled a series of significant changes set to impact the Crucible, the...
In an exciting development for fans of the franchise, the eagerly awaited Khaos Reigns downloadable content (DLC) for Mortal Kombat 1 has officially launched,...
Polish developer 11 Bit Studios has achieved a significant milestone with the launch of Frostpunk 2, a sequel to its critically acclaimed city-building survival...
In a remarkable turnaround for the arena shooter genre, Quake Champions has witnessed an astonishing surge in its player base, with concurrent user numbers...
A ground breaking modification for Baldur’s Gate 3 has emerged, transforming the game’s traditional turn-based combat into a dynamic real-time experience. Developed by the...