
OpenAI Set to Unveil ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine: A Potential Challenger to Google?

OpenAI, the renowned artificial intelligence research laboratory, might be on the brink of unveiling its long-awaited search engine, a move that could potentially disrupt...

ChatGPT Users Rejoice: GPT-4 Turbo Gets a Boost

In a move that promises to enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT for paying users, OpenAI has unveiled the latest iteration of its GPT-4 Turbo...

AI Industry Facing Internet Data Shortage: What’s Next for AI Development?

In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence (AI), companies are encountering a significant challenge: the scarcity of internet data. As AI models grow in...

Samsung Rolls Out AI Features to Older Galaxy Devices

Samsung, the tech giant renowned for its innovative advancements, has officially announced the rollout of its cutting-edge Galaxy AI suite to a range of...

YouTube Implements Labelling Requirement for AI-Generated Content

In a bid to address concerns surrounding the proliferation of AI-generated content, YouTube has announced a new measure requiring creators to label videos featuring...

Breakthrough Unveiled in AI-Generated Video Technology

In a significant stride forward, researchers at Google have introduced a pioneering method capable of producing video representations of individuals using only a single...

Sony’s Ground breaking AI Companion System Set to Redefine Gaming Experience

Sony, the renowned gaming giant, is aiming to revolutionise the gaming experience with its latest venture into artificial intelligence (AI). In a recent patent...

Google Unveils Gemini 1.5: The Next Evolution in AI

In the whirlwind of Google's recent Gemini announcements, the tech giant continues to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence. Following the rebranding of its...

Innovative Licensing to Safeguard Responsible AI Development

In the quest to harness the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while mitigating its potential risks, innovative approaches to regulation and licensing are emerging...

Sony Ventures into AI for PlayStation Enhancement

Sony, the tech juggernaut renowned for its PlayStation gaming consoles, appears to be delving into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) to elevate the...