Embark Studios Swiftly Responds to Game-Breaking Bug in The Finals

In the fast-paced world of online gaming, The Finals community was left grappling with frustration after a recent update inadvertently introduced a game-breaking bug. Embark Studios, the brains behind the popular online shooter, promptly acknowledged the issue and outlined plans to rectify the unintended glitch that has disrupted the gameplay experience for many devoted players.

Update 1.5, heralded as a significant leap forward in enhancing various aspects of The Finals, brought with it a plethora of changes, including the introduction of the first limited-time game mode named Solo Bank It. This mode altered the rules, thrusting 12 players into a battle royale for supremacy as they sought to amass and bank £40,000 in cash. Straying from the conventional team strategy, every player in this mode embarked on an individual quest for glory.

While the update addressed numerous community concerns, introducing bug fixes and adjustments to game mechanics, it inadvertently birthed a new problem. Players took to The Finals subreddit to voice their grievances about an exasperating bug that had emerged post-update, aptly dubbed “Game Breaking” by the community. Illuminacegg and others reported that the light bloom effects on certain weapons, including the M60, Lewis Gun, and MP5, had been inexplicably increased. Aiming down sights with these weapons now resulted in significantly heightened bullet bloom/dispersion, severely compromising accuracy during crucial gunfights. The community consensus quickly solidified around the notion that these weapons had become virtually unusable, casting a shadow on the overall gunplay experience and prompting questions about the omission of this critical information from The Finals’ Update 1.5 patch notes.

Embark Studios wasted no time in addressing the concerns raised by players. Taking to The Finals’ official Discord channel, the studio acknowledged the unintentional changes and assured players that the increased light bloom effects were indeed the result of a bug. The development team is actively investigating solutions to rectify this issue promptly. Additionally, Embark confirmed another bug related to the Zoom Sensitivity Multiplier for Controller, revealing that its value had inadvertently doubled from 60% to 120%. Although a permanent fix is in the works, players were advised to manually adjust the setting through the game settings menu in the interim.

This incident is not the first time Embark Studios has demonstrated its commitment to maintaining a high standard of gameplay experience for The Finals enthusiasts. Since the game’s shadow launch in December during The Game Awards, the development team has been responsive to community feedback, swiftly addressing various issues. A notable example occurred in January when an update targeted player concerns regarding aim-assist, tweaking elements such as Zoom Snapping Time, Camera Magnetism, and addressing bugs that allowed players to snap aim at invisible opponents.

The Finals community can rest assured that Embark Studios is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the gaming experience. With a proven track record of promptly addressing issues and implementing necessary fixes, the studio’s commitment to delivering an immersive and enjoyable gaming environment remains unwavering. As the development team diligently works to eliminate the unintended bugs introduced in Update 1.5, players can look forward to a smoother and more satisfying gameplay experience in the near future.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcockhttps://www.nerdbite.com/
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